Contact one of our member programs to connect with an advocate who can help assess your legal issues and work with you to come up with a plan. Legal advocates are continuing to work in person and remotely with survivors and can assist with both civil and criminal justice issues. They are not attorneys, but can help you navigate the system. Visit the ANDVSA Domestic & Sexual Violence Resources page to find a local program or contact an advocate who will be able to provide legal resources. Advocates can help to connect you with attorneys who may be able to assist you with civil legal issues such as divorce, custody, immigration, housing and protection orders. You may also apply directly to any of these civil legal providers who are continuing to do intakes and helps survivors.

ANDVSA Legal Program: 907-747-2990,

Alaska Legal Services Corporation: 907-272-9431,

Alaska Native Justice Center: 907-793-3550,

Alaska Institute for Justice: 907-279-2457,