• Alaska Criminal Justice Data Analysis Commission

The Alaska Criminal Justice Data Analysis Commission analyzes criminal justice operations, outcomes, and trends, providing research, recommendations, and annual reports to improve system efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Alaska Victimization Survey – UAA Justice Center Page

Since 2010, the Alaska Victimization Survey (AVS) has provided comprehensive statewide and regional data on violence against Alaskan women to guide planning and policy development and to evaluate the impact of prevention and intervention services.

  • Subreports from the AVS Survey – UAA Justice Center Page

The Alaska Victimization Survey (AVS) Results provide comprehensive data on intimate partner violence and sexual violence in Alaska, including statewide and regional trends, interactive dashboards, and detailed reports on various forms of abuse.

  • Service Receipt among Alaskan Women who experienced IPV, SA or Stalking Sept 2024

The Alaska FFY2022-FFY2025 VAWA-STOP Plan enhances responses to violence through victim-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally relevant services, fostering statewide collaboration.

  • CDVSA Dashboard

The 2022 Alaska Dashboard is a broad overview of population indicators on key issues related to domestic violence and sexual assault in Alaska. The dashboard examines reported incidents, service utilization, protective factors, offender accountability, and survey results.

  • AK Criminal Justice Commission – DV Report

The Workgroup has produced this comprehensive report with data about the problem, a review of case processing, and a survey of existing programs for both intervention and prevention.

  • AHFC/HUD Homeless Point in Time Count

The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is a one-night snapshot of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness. This data is a crucial tool for effective strategic housing planning at state and local levels.

  • Ak Criminal Justice Data Analysis Commission – DV in the Court System

This year’s report adopts a new structure, guiding readers through the steps of the criminal justice process in a typical case, from court proceedings to case outcomes. It also highlights the Commission’s research, data analysis, and special projects.

  • Resource Library

The Alaska Criminal Justice Data Analysis Commission has created a library of online resources for people seeking information about Alaska’s criminal justice system. These data sources are free and public.

  • Alaska Crime Rate Trends 1985-2023

UCR program is managed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Initiated in 1929 (longest ongoing criminological data collection in the U.S.)