Robert Sato
Over the years, Rob Sato has represented several ANDVSA clients, and he currently has a pro bono divorce/custody case. Rob works at the family law firm, Sato Law, LLC, which he founded with his wife, Jeannie Sato. Jeannie’s involvement in family law led Rob to move away from complex litigation in state and federal courts to family law. Jeannie took on an ANDVSA case first after attending ANDVSA’s family law training, and she was the catalyst for Rob also taking on ANDVSA cases.
Rob represented his current ANDVSA client for the first time in 2018 and then again in 2022, but each time the client and her partner reconciled, or the client was not ready to move ahead with the case. When clients reconcile or don’t follow through, Rob acknowledges that “it is hard when you put your time and effort into doing something for someone and then they end up going back to the partner that was being abusive.” But, Rob notes, this is part of the cycle of abuse. And thankfully for ANDVSA and this client, Rob is willing to continue being an advocate when the client is finally ready: “Anybody who is going through a divorce or a difficult domestic situation is going through a really challenging time in their lives. They are not always the best versions of themselves, but they are still in need of help.”
Rob attended college at University of California, San Diego and received a degree in philosophy. After realizing there was not much he could do with this degree, he made pizzas for a year and worked in a home for developmentally disabled adults for a few years. He eventually decided he wanted a job that was more intellectually challenging and took the LSAT on a whim and went on to attend University of California, Davis, School of Law. Rob finally made his way to Alaska in 1995 when his wife got a job clerking for the Alaska Supreme Court, (“she’s a much better student than I am”) and they have been here ever since.
Professionally, Rob feels as though he has reached a point in his career where he would like to hire an associate since he believes he would enjoy mentoring a young attorney in family law (reach out if you’re interested!). Rob has also toyed with the idea of “working on cases from the other side of the bench” and applying again to become a judge. However, Rob is quite happy with how he has set up his practice since it allows him to be more selective about his cases and work remotely (Rob took this call from Hawaii!). Personally, Rob enjoys spending time with his three children as they navigate the world as adults.
Thank you for all your hard work, Rob! (And thank you, Jeannie, for being the catalyst to Rob’s pro bono!)