Our Member Programs
ANDVSA member and affiliate programs provide:
* Emergency Shelter
* 24-Hour Crisis Hotlines
* Food, clothing, and other essential items
* Transportation
* Confidential Advocacy
* Legal Advocacy
* Counseling
* Support Groups
* Community Education and Outreach
* Rural Outreach
* SART (Sexual Assault Response Team)
Please note, all of the above services are not provided at each of the following program locations. Please contact your local program for a specific list of services provided.

The programs that are also shelters are noted with “shelter.” However, each of our programs and affiliates can help victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking safety and emergency shelter.

For a list of further community resources please visit the Statewide Resources Page.

Member Programs:

wdt_ID Program Location Program & link to website Communities Served Crisis Line
1 Anchorage *Standing Together Against Rape (STAR) Anchorage, Eagle River, Eklutna, Girdwood, Mat-Su Valley (907) 276-7273
2 Anchorage *Abused Women's Aid in Crisis (AWAIC); shelter Anchorage, Mat-Su Valley, Eagle River, Girdwood (907) 272-0100
3 Utqiaġvik *Arctic Women in Crisis (AWIC); shelter Utqiaġvik/Barrow, Anaktuvuk Pass, Atqasuk, Kaktovik, Nuiqsut, Pt. Hope, Pt. Lay, Wainwright (907) 852-0267; Toll Free: 1-800-478-0267
4 Bethel *Tundra Women's Coalition (TWC); shelter (907) 543-3456; Toll Free: 1-800-478-7799
5 Cordova *Cordova Family Resource Center (CFRC) Cordova, Cape Yakataga, Chisana, Chitina, Eyak, Kenny Lake, McCarthy, Nubesna, Tonsina, Yakutat (907) 424-4357; Toll Free: 1-866-790-4357
6 Dillingham *Safe and Fear-Free Environment (SAFE); shelter (907) 842-2316; Toll Free: 1-800-478-2316
7 Fairbanks *Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living (IAC); shelter (907) 452-7273; Toll Free: 1-800-478-7273
8 Homer *South Peninsula Haven House (SPHH); shelter Homer, Anchor Point, Dolina, Fritz Creek, Happy Valley, Kachemak City, Kachemak Selo, Nanwalek, Nikolaevsk, Ninilchik, Port Graham, Razdolna, Seldovia, Voznesenka (907) 235-7712; Toll Free: 1-800-478-7712
9 Juneau *AWARE; shelter Juneau, Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah, Klukwan, Pelican, Skagway, Tenakee Springs, Yakutat (907) 586-1090; Toll Free: 1-800-478-1090
10 Kenai *LeeShore Center, shelter Central peninsula, Kenai, Soldotna, and surrounding area (907) 283-7257
11 Ketchikan *Women in Safe Homes (WISH); shelter Ketchikan, Metlakatla, Petersburg, Saxman, Prince of Wales Island, Thorne Bay, Wrangell (907) 225-9474; Toll Free: 1-800-478-9474
12 Kodiak *Kodiak Women's Resource Center (KWRCC); shelter Kodiak, Akhiok, Chiniak, Danger Bay, Kodiak Island Borough, Karluk, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Port Lions (907) 486-3625
13 Kotzebue *Maniilaq Family Crisis Center (MFCC), shelter Kotzebue, Ambler, Buckland, Candle, Deering, Kiana, Kivalina, Kobuk, Noatak, Noorvik, Pt. Hope, Seawik, Shungnak (907) 442-3969
14 Nome *Bering Sea Women's Group (BSWG); shelter Nome, Brevig Mission, Diomede, Elim, Gambell, Golovin, Koyuk, Savoonga, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Stebbins, St. Michael, Teller, unalakleet, Wales, White Mountain (907) 443-5444; Toll Free: 1-800-570-5444
15 Petersburg *Working Against Violence for Everyone (WAVE) Petersburg Office Line: (907) 772-9283; Crisis Line: (907) 772-9283
16 Seward *Seward Prevention Coalition Eastern Kenai Peninsula - Seward; Lowell Point, Moose Pass, Cooper Landing, Hope Office Line: (907) 362-1843; Crisis Line: (907) 362-1843
17 Sitka *Sitkans Against Family Violence (SAFV); shelter Sitka, Angoon, Kake, Port Alexander (907) 747-3370; Toll Free: 1-800-478-6511; Text line (8am - 11pm daily): (907) 623-7820
18 Unalaska *Unalaskans Standing Against Family Violence (USAFV); shelter Unalaska, Dutch Harbor, Adaq, Akutan, Atka, Cold Bay, Nikolski, King Cove, Nelson Lagoon, Port Moller, Sand Point, St. George, St. Paul (907) 581-1500; Toll Free: 1-800-478-7238
19 Valdez *Advocates for Victims of Violence (AVV); shelter Valdez, Chitina, Christochina, Copper Center, Glenallen, Gulkana, Gukona, Kenny Lake, Mendeltna, Tatilek, Tolsona (907) 835-2999; Toll Free: 1-800-835-4044
20 Craig *Helping Ourselves Prevent Emergencies (HOPE) Craig, Prince of Wales Island (907) 826-4673
21 Haines *Becky's Place Haven of Hope Haines, Klukwan, Skagway, Yakutat, Hoonah, Angoon Office Line: (907) 766-2105 Cell: (907) 303-0076
23 Palmer Alaska Family Services (AFS); shelter Palmer (907) 746-4080; Toll-free 1-866-746-4080
24 Emmonak *Emmonak Women's Shelter (EWS); shelter Emmonak, surrounding areas (907) 949-1434
25 Anchorage Alaska Native Justice Center (ANJC) Statewide, Anchorage, Mat-Su (907) 793-3550
26 Hooper Bay *Bay Haven; shelter Hooper Bay, Chevak, Scammon Bay (907)-758-4711; Toll Free: 1-888-754-471
Program Location Program & link to website Communities Served Crisis Line